work experience
Book cover conventions
The book cover
Final book cover
This are my finale products of my back cover, spine and front cover i have went with this team because it about Dracula and Dracula is a vampire. I went on with out a plan I did it this way because i was thinking that the red will be like blood that vampires go crazy over it. I went on Photoshop and first I have done the front cover to make it I took an image of Vladimir the impaler to add him and then i took the castle that he was living in at the time then i have took a moon to put on top left of the front cover that is the only object. The spine has the publishers logo the name of the book and the author. The back of it is made wi two bats i got from google an bar code and that is. I think it turned ok but i could of done a better one if i would change the back writing with the blurb with is about the book and the story and one more thing could be on the front cover on the top it could be more down to be able to read better.
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