PPP Adudio

Practice on   Adobe Audition 

I have made this in Adobe Audition I was trying to make like a beat but this is what turned out the sound I got was from the PPP folder  after that, I went on Adobe Premiere Pro and added an image 

London Riots 

I have made thin in Adobe Audition with sound which I have found in the sounds folder I have added a car crash crowd walking an explosion and a beeping noise then I took it and went to Adobe Premier Pro to add an image on it 




Audio documentaries

Example 1:  Dread Beat and Blood

This is a Documentary on dub poet and political activist Linton Kwesi Johnson from the turbulent streets of Brixton in the late 1970s.


Listen to the extract, what is the poet telling us?

There are a number of different people speaking – what do notice about their voices?


The man is presenting a poem and they have a Nigerian accent.






What different types of audio clips (Sound effects, music etc) have been used and what do they add to the documentary?


Reggae music.





Who do you think the target audience is for this documentary?










Example 2:  Battle 4 Brixton pt1

This provides more information on events at that time


 Listen to the video and write up a summary, what event is being described?

There are a number of different people speaking – who are they?



A female who got married, a police officer, people who are targeted by police,





What different types of audio clips (Sound effects, music etc) have been used and how do you think they were obtained? What do they add to the documentary?



The audio are people screaming and yelling, They added the sounds on Adobe audition and added gunshots and police sirens






In which different locations/situations were the clips recorded?




Brixton and on streets.






Example 3:  England's riots: 'It was off the scale'

Now listen to the audio in this documentary


Listen to the video and write up a summary, what event is being described?

There are a number of different people speaking – who are they?


3 police officers and 2 boys from the streets.






What different types of audio clips (Sound effects, music, etc) have been used and how do you think they were obtained?




There are people yelling and police alarms.





In which different locations / situations were the clips recorded?




Birmingham, Hackney, Tottenham and Enfield.







Imagine you had put JUST THE AUDIO for this together –how would you go about making it? 100 words




I think I would add more audio in Adobe Audition and edit them to sound real.





Who do you think the target audience is for this documentary? Who would listen to this?











What do you think the audience may have learned from this documentary?



They learned about the sad death of the boy who was killed by the police and that people need to do justice.










What themes emerge from the narrative?
The Inbetweeners tells a straightforward story about a group of boys on vacation.

Who are the target audience?
Based on factors such as age, gender, and interests, your movie is likely to appeal to the target audience.

How are males represented?
One of the boys comes across as arrogant, while the others tease and see them as less intelligent.

How are females represented?
The girls in the story are portrayed as being more awesome and enjoyable.

What is the ideology?

Is the ideology misogynistic?
Back in the day, many women took on the role of a homemaker, handling and looking after the household.

How has representation of females in advertisements changed since the 1950’s?
The lady in the story is portrayed as funny because she dances and sings. On the other hand, the man seems a bit confused but also pleasantly surprised by her performance, and he smiles.


What are the similarities and differences:

How are the genders represented?

The guy finds it hilarious in his opinion.

In the ideology?

The guys are portrayed as creepy or inappropriate in their behavior.

Mad Men.


How are the men represented?

In society, there can be certain expectations for girls and women to dress in traditionally feminine styles and to be polite, accommodating, and nurturing. On the other hand, there can be expectations for men to be strong, assertive, and bold. It's important to remember that these expectations can vary and everyone should be free to express themselves in their own unique way.

Your opinion on how men and women are represented in TV, Film, Music, and Audio today?

Society can have different ideas about how men and women are supposed to be. Some might think men are stronger and work in offices, while women are seen as weaker and have less power. But it's important to remember that these stereotypes don't define us. Strength, power, and career choices should never be limited by gender. Everyone deserves equal opportunities to follow their own path.



What do we mean by the term ‘representation’? Answer specifically to media products.

In media studies, representation is the way society, such as gender, age, or ethnicity, is presented to audiences.



What is the difference between Race and Ethnicity?

In basic terms, race describes physical traits, and ethnicity refers to cultural identification.


What role does the media play in constructing ideas about race and ethnicity?

The role of media in racial and ethnic identity development occurs both through media selection and exposure.


Do you think certain ethnic groups or races are portrayed as being more powerful than others?

In the past and to this day, portrayals of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic people have often created or reinforced harmful stereotypes.


What is stereotyping? Can you think of positive and negative stereotypes?

The stereotype is to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same.

For example, women are positively stereotyped as warm but negatively stereotyped as weak.

Black Americans are positively stereotyped as athletic but negatively stereotyped as unintelligent.

Do you see people who look like you represented in the media? Are these representations prominent and/or accurate?

Yeah, representation in the media is important, It's important to challenge stereotypes and promote inclusivity.


What stereotypes are represented in Mr Khan’s family in ‘Citizen Khan’

19 The portrayal of Mr Khan's character can be seen to portray anti-Semitic stereotypes recycled into Islamophobic ideas. Specifically, Mr. Khan is portrayed as being cheap, racist, stupid, and patriarchal.

Foley sounds and soundtrack


Star Wars

Effect needed: Blaster pistol

Actual sound: Steel cable

Star Wars

Effect needed: TIE Fighters

Actual sound: Elephant

Lord Of The Rings 

Effect needed: Uruk-hai

Actual sound: Sea lions and big cats

Radio Advert!

The target audience is people with are into spicy food and who are tired of boring food.
The object of the advert is to sell hot sauce to people who like hot sauce 
One is it could be a person saying that their food is boring and blank and they are tired of eating food like this and then the hot sauce saves the day.
Then it could be a man with is in Hawaii and is living his vacation and then there is a volcano eruption but instead of lava is hot sauce and the people go and eat food with the hot sauce from the volcano.
A farmer is telling a story about how his dad made the best hot sauce that he ever tasted but his dad has passed away and he has never got to taste that hot sauce again until he finds a poster with a hot pepper that was in his dad's old house and then he brought some seeds and it was the same as the on his dad made for his and he started to sell them to the public.



I made this with Cristina and Vlada in the group Cristina recorded me and Vlada was listening 

This is my radio advert!

I have made this add vert on Adobe Audition then I have exported it to Premier Pro to be able to add an image on it that I have made of the packing of the product with a hot sauce called Mr. Spicey.

I was thinking of doing a long advert and making it in 30 seconds but I had to turn that script down and make a new one on the spot because me recording Millan I thought it was better to only put him because his voice was making the way I wanted to make the advert.

If I had more time for the advert to be more than 30 seconds I could have gone with the old script because it would have had more of a story to it, but it’s burned out ok if I have more time than 30 seconds I could have made a better one with Ianis and Cristina but I had to cut them off and only stick with Millan.

Then after I had recorded the voice of Millan I went on Freedsound and looked for a chill sound and found the one in the background of the advert. and all of its recordings were done on this recorder Roland 
And this is the new script I have gone by. 

